• +918800721408 / +911204156604
  • contact@rksitsolutions.com


The current situation regarding the COVID-19 pandemic poses challenges for all service providers. Healthcare institutions need to remain open and may have to deal with restrictions for a long time. How can hospitals and clinics ensure a safe patient journey and work environment for staff, and at the same time also strive to deliver excellent service and improve patient experience?

With virtual queuing and appointment solutions it is possible to:

  • Manage patient flow
  • Implement social distancing queuing for patients
  • Minimize the risk of virus spread in your facilities
  • Improve resource allocation and reduce staff's stress level

Our Healthcare Qmatic solutions:

  • Are based on HW, SW, Centralized and Cloud
  • Manages the flow of patients and capture related information
  • Calls patients to doctors, track the patient’s location, status and provide information about treatment and waiting times
  • Manages patient experience through solutions for information, entertainment and commercials
  • Monitors and optimise staffing
  • Drives operational improvement based on statistical information (Management Information)
  • Integrate with third party application.